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  1. Boots were made for walking


    Cold and crisp and even… sounds familiar! The snow has been beautiful. I loved walking in it before it froze over - lovely hollow scrunch under my new boots and I have dry warm feet!!  I also play the game of swiping the branches as we walk past so it snows heavily on us… always fun if others aren’t watching and a dollop of snow lands directly on them!  

    Then a more slippery walk with a few wet puddles of slush, one was a bit deeper than I had imagined, but luckily my feet stayed dry so I’m happy. I wanted to slide down the road like I did when I was younger. When I was little our Head Master Mr Dewight, let half the playground freeze over - with the help of a bucket of water, and we were allowed to slide up and down all play time, brilliant fun!  I don’t think they had even heard of ‘health and safety’ - but we also played British Bull dog and Kiss-chase… so no, no health and safety at all!!
    My old boots have turned up again - recreated and looking a whole lot prettier.  Hope you like them!
  2. fullsizeoutput_5b7
    I have several very important Birthdays in January and now I have 'Jill Lawrie' up and running I have no excuse that I can’t get a card, but I’ve already missed one - my God daughter - Sorry Lucy!! (But she does know that I am the most useless Fairy Godmother in the world). But I have now put all the birthdays that I can, and know into my ‘Calendar’ on the computer… so no excuses, except I may have put them in wrong, wrong day, wrong month, wrong surname. You know the way it goes, I know three Lucys, several Janes, Roberts and Davids…so Charlies birthday could be one or another - but I only know two Charlies and one is my daughter - so Charlie at the end of the month must be the other one! 